Little Shop of Horrors

l'm here, Wink. l love your show...
...but l've got to kill you both
with this machine gun.

You got me!
l feel so very weird!
Our first guest is a young man...
:22:17 probably read about
in the newspapers by the name of...

...Seymour Krelborn. ls that correct?
Who has discovered a new breed of plant
unknown on this planet.

Let me play you down
to your seat, Seymour.

Hello, Seymour!
Hello, Wink.
l wish you folks at home could see this.
Seymour, where did you get
such a weird plant?

Well, you remember that total eclipse
of the sun about a week ago?

And thus we conclude our interview
with the young botanical--

Mind if I call you a genius?
Gosh, no!
The genius who has discovered
this amazing, unidentified plant.

I'd like to remind our listeners
that the Audrey II is on display...

...exclusively at
Mushnik's Skid Row Florists.

-Did l miss it?

The address!
The address!
l said, mention the address!
Oh, well. lt's still good advertising.
Seymour's first radio broadcast.
l wanted to hear it so bad.
l tried to be on time, but--

Don't tell me. You got tied up.
No, just handcuffed, a little.
Girl. Hey, girl.
The mess you hang out with
is hazardous to your health.

That's for sure. But l can't leave him.
-Why not?
-He'd get angry.

lf he does this when he likes me,
imagine what he'd do if he ever got mad.

So, dump the chump.
Get a guy who'll protect you.

How about the little jerk with the glasses?
Oh, we're just friends.
l don't even deserve a sweet, considerate...
