Tao xue wei long zhi long guo ji nian

I am acting as David Copperfield.
I have 3 Kings.
I have 3 Aces.
Straight flush.
A bigger one.
4 Aces.
5 Aces?!
What Master Hung taught you are powerful.
Win as much as you can.
I'd make use of this chance
to find out the truth of Wong's death.
One million.
I will follow
It's your turn, a pair of Aces.
You are silly,
it'd be the turn of straight flush.

Show hand.
I don't think you're David Copperfield,
I will follow.

I have 50 cents left.
5 million as credit, OK.
Forget the money,
I want you to answer me a question.

Then I will forget the money.
What question?
Have you ever thought of killing me?
Answer me.
- I...
- Answer me.

I want to quit!
Your question is nonsense.
- Let's go.
- Yes.

Just take the money.
Have you found the truth of the case?
The truth is...
I had a four only, but the idiot quitted.
Boss, are you alright?
Are you hurt?
Give me back the money.
Just return the loan.
We needn't give you a share
of the money we won!

But you should give interest.
OK, just follow the bank's rule.
Cheap interest rate, 2.75%.
