The Curse of the Jade Scorpion

Did you take the files
out of my office?

Would you like to go out and try
coming back in like a human being?

- Did you move my files?
- if you don't like the human
idea, come in like an orangutan.

- That would be a step up too.
- Put them back... now-- this instant.

You knew we were
rearranging this floor.

Take my files--
Put them back in my office now.

You had plenty of time
to transfer them yourself.

Fitzgerald, if you were a man,
I would slam you in the teeth.

If I was a man,
you'd be hiding under the desk.

- This is what you do
- when I give you an order?
- Give me an order? You?

Who do you think I am,
some peroxide little stenographer...

with her brains in her sweater
whose rear end you pinch?

Pinch it?
I couldn't get my arms around it.

I don't take orders from you.
I work directly for Mr. Magruder.

We're in the process
of turning this place around.

I've been working here 20 years.
You're here six months.

I'm not interested in
your ideas about turning--

Get my files. Put 'em back now.
- Or what?
- "Or what?"

This is the question
you ask me? "Or what?"

"Or what?"
Are you saying "or what" to me?

If you don't get off my toe,
you're going to be singing
castrati with a glee club.

I... hated you, Fitzgerald, from
the day you set foot into this office.

You'd hate any woman who doesn't have
a double-digit I. Q

I'm a good judge of character.
I hate you, and I hate the chancellor
of Germany...

with the little mustache,
but not in that order.

Be careful when you leave.
Don't let the door hit you on the back
and fracture your pelvis.

So, did you tell her who's boss?
Is she kiddin',
talkin' to me like that?

It's 'cause she thinks she's smarter.
'Cause she graduated from Vassar,
and I went to driving school.

Does she have any idea
how many cases I cracked here?

Never trust a woman who
whistles for her own cabs.

Excuse me. Miss Fitzgerald?

- Is that Miss Fitzgerald's lunch?
- Mm-hmm.

- Sorry we're so late. We're jammed up.
- That's okay.
