Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

They go after rich merchantmen
and the like.

Hey, but think on our share
of the prize money.

She'll be loaded with gold
and ambergris and all the gems of Araby.

That's all very well, Nagle.
Got to get home to spend it, but.

Never met a dead man
who bought me a drink.

And I've never met a live one
that you bought one for, neither.

Sitting up all night, catching your death
of cold. That's the last of the coffee, too.

Thank you, Killick.
That's enough easting.
Set a course sou'-sou'west.

Aye, sir. Sou'-sou'west.
Two points off starboard bow!
Three cheers for Lucky Jack!
She's ours, boys!
Foul! You got away before me.
- Set royals and courses.
- Sir.

Have the idlers placed along the rails.
I've never seen the like.
It has to be more than 100 sea miles
and he brings us up on his tail.

That's seamanship, Mr Pullings.
My God, that's seamanship.

Told you it would work, Will.
We'll have them by nightfall.

- I think we've got him, sir.
- And the wind favours us this time.

Don't count your eggs
before they're in the pudding.

Still, if we can close this gap
and get up behind her, she may well be ours.

Touch wood. Scratch a stay.
Turn three times.
May the Lord and saints preserve us.
