Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

If we caught up with her, I mean, to take her...
we'd have to be bloody invisible.

Brace the yards to starboard!
So, Stephen, did you get
to see your bird?

No. Well, yes,
but I couldn't catch one.

No, my greatest discovery
was your phantom.

Indeed it was. I'm sorry you had to leave
the majority of your collection behind.

In actual fact, Mr Blakeney and I
did make one... very interesting find.

Is that right?
Let me guess. A stick?
Tell him about it, Mr Blakeney.
- It's a rare phasmid, sir.
- A phasmid?

It's an insect that disguises itself as a stick
in order to confuse its predators.

A nautical phasmid, Doctor.
At least, to a hungry eye,
if one has an appetite for whalers.
