The Broadway Melody

What do you know, Uncle Jed?
I've got you booked for 30 weeks
over at the Manley Time.

Nothing doing.
We're in New York to stay.

Say, listen, girls...
:10:18 know, I know this town better
than you do. And there are more sisters...

...doing their acts over the lunch counters
in New York than over the...

Than in the theaters.
You're just a crapehanger.
Maybe, but let me tell you...
...tell you, tell you, tell you...
What's the name of that record
you're playing?

Say, listen, girls...
Well, what is it?
I love both you girls,
and I want to see you get along.

Sure, Uncle Jed, we know that.
But we aren't leaving this town till we
get a flash at Babe Ruth and Grant's Tomb.

- Oh, will you get that, Uncle Jed?
- You bet.

Oh, girls, your break... Your break...
Your coffee's here.
Bring the toothbrush glass
when you come.

- All right.
- Will you have some coffee, Uncle Jed?

No, thanks. I just had my breakf...
I just ate.

- Yeah?
- Uncle Jed!

Gosh, what a big girl you are.
- And so beautiful.
- Ain't she, though?

Well, I suppose you've decided
to stay in New York.

Yeah, we're all set.
But thanks for the offer, Uncle Jed.

That's all right.
I'll keep it open for a few days.

- All right.
- Goodbye.

- Oh, goodbye, Uncle Jed.
- Lf you wanna see me, just call me up.
