Anna Christie

Either you're flat orl am.
I beg your pardon.
Excuse me.
Always the lady.
Say-- Say, what the--?
Why,I frighten your
hiccup away, Marthy.

Yes, you did.
And I'm going to hit you.
See here.
If you soak me in the eye again...

...I'm gonna quit you.
-You get me?
-No. Only on the back this time, Marthy.

I get you.
-Well,I think you lose them, Marthy.

Yes,I did.
Oh,I got it.
Ten-- Ten swallows of this
without breathing...

...and...sure cure.
One, two, three, four, five...
...1 0. MaybeI got hiccup too, Marthy.
See?I told you.
It's a sure cure, never fails.

I think we got to go to Johnny the Harp
for get some more whiskey.

Yeah, well. Right you are, I'm bone dry.
Wait, I'll get my bonnet.
