Anna Christie

Mulligan! Sure, it is myseIf that's hungry.
And a pie, Matt.
Glory be, what doI care
for a stew or a pie?

It's not for food I'm hungry...
-...but for the sight of your face.
-Oh, go on with your blarney, you gasbag.

Now, Matt, look what you've done.
Pick that up. Shame on you.

Sure, her with the face of an angel
and the sting of a wasp.

Oh, so it's darning you're doing.
Shut up.
You've got a voice like a foghorn.

What's this?
Well, what do you think it is?
Well, holding it up this way, it might be
new underdrawers for old Chris.

-Ain't for him, though.
-Oh, ain't it, now?

-For some sweetheart?

Don't make me jealous,
or I'll burn it up and him in it.

-No. Give it to me.
-You got a guilty look in your eye.

Now, you give it to me, now. You bully.
-Look what you've done, galoot.
-WhenI get ahold of him that wears it...

...I'll pull out an arm and wave you
goodbye with it.

Supper's almost ready.
Well, I've been hungry.
Well, asI was saying to you before....
Stand up, just to measure this sweater.
Sure,I will. On me head or me feet?
Your feet, silly.
lt is only prayer
or paralysis can save you now, Anna.

Well, I'm praying, Matt.
lt is a miracle
if your prayers are answered.

Thanks, Matt. It's for my father. And him
hating to stand up for measurements.

-Will you wear it for my sake?
-Oh, yeah.

lt is a lie in your throat
and you know it.

No, it isn't.
