The Big House

Scatter out.
Hey, pop.
Any letters
for me?

Move on, now.
If there was,
i wouldn't give them to you.

Aw, go on.
Be a sport, will you?

Are there any
letters for morgan?

You know, pop,
if all the screws were like you-

oh, you cut out
the applesauce

and don't be
calling the guards screws.

Yes, sir.
No letters
for you, morgan,

but i've got ones
for butch and kent.

Fine. I'll
take them to them. Thanks, pop.

I used to
milk a cow all the time.

Letter for you,

Letter for-
for me?

Yes, you.
Gee, why don't
those dames let me alone?

You're such a deal,

you can't
blame them.

Where's kent?
seen him.

Hey, stick around.
I'll bet this is a hot one.

Oh, boy.
Look at that.
Why, it's
from myrtle.

But i thought
you croaked her.

No. That was sadie.
This girl is nuts
about me.

About you?
Yes, me!
Wait a minute.
I'll show you.

"Dear sweetheart..."
"how i miss
my great big boy.

You have it."
Hot doggy.
"The only fun i get
is sleeping

because then i dream
about you every night."

The rest of this
is too juicy for you guys.

Nobody gets
to read this

but me
and my pal morg. Come on, morg.

Aw, come on.
Oh, go on.
Oh, go on.
I'm going to read this.
You and me, morg.

Hey, come on. Scram.
Hey, what's the big idea?
Get out of here.
Go on. Go on.
Say, morg...
who do you suppose
would write me a letter?
