The Big House

i'm going to make
a break.

I'm going to get
out of here,

and i'm going to give
that little old lady

the swellest funeral
she ever had.

Pipe down, will you?
Here comes oliver.

Hello, morgan.
Got a match?

Good news, butch?
Bad news whenever
you come around.

Great kidder,
isn't he, morgan?

Yes, and he's not always kidding.
You know, that guy's
a stool pigeon if ever there was one.

I wish i could get
the lowdown on him.

I'll knife him

Aw, that kind
of talk won't get you anywheres.

I'm going to break
this place wide open.

Yeah, and then
what will happen to you?

Down in the dungeon
with the rats. Huh.

No. We got to take
our medicine, butch.

It's all right
for you to talk.

You'll be going
out of here in a few years.

But what do i gain
eating this dirt?

I'd go nuts if i
didn't start trouble once in a while.

I'd rather
stand up and fight,

and even if i got
the rope,

it's better than
sitting here rotting in this stinking hole.

Aw, cut out
that talk, butch. Do you hear?

Who, me?
Yes, you.
I was only kidding.
Hey, listen, butch. How about that hot number of yours?
The gang wants
to hear it again.

Go on. Read it.
All right. I'll read it once more.
Seen kent
around anywhere?

Yeah. He's
around the corner with oliver.

What about

Morgan? Who knows
anything about him?

But butch-
listen, oliver.

That guy
will kill me someday.

He packs a knife.
Oh, he packs
a knife, does he?

Don't let that
worry you.

That knife's
going to get him into trouble.

Say, listen,
you guys.
