
I got to get a pair of new boots...
Darling, she's awake.
Hello, baby Donna. Hello, sweetheart.
Look, this is Daddy.
This is Mama,
much more important to you just now.

Yancey, darling, I'm so happy.
I'm highfaluting myself, sugar,
smiling as a basket of chips.

I'm gonna do so many things.
Build a porch for Donna.
Start a woman's club, a real one.

Make this town better for Donna to live in.
No saloons. No women like Dixie Lee.
And I'm gonna have a hired girl
as soon as the newspaper...

Yeah, all those things, sugar,
but you mustn't try too much.

The garden looks fine, Miss Sabra,
and them morning glories sure is climbing.

Thank you, Isaiah.
Hi, there.
Look, she know me.
Who you rolling your eyes at
and making faces?

Just wait until you get
a little more bigger.

I've got a lot of things
I is gonna teach you.

May I come in? I brought you some of
the nicest chicken broth, made it myself.
