
two seconds later there were
two corpses and he'd beat it!

The best man between
Berlin and San Francisco

Six years they've looked and they
haven't caught him yet

Haven't caught him yet,
but dogs can kill wolves

Shut up
The suspense is killing me.
He's always right on time

God be praised!
At last!
Well, hello! You've finally come.
Good afternoon

Are you crazy? Close the curtains
Gentlemen, the meeting
can now begin

According to regulations,
l confirm that the leadership of

every organization in
our union is represented

l assume you are all authorized
to vote on behalf of your members

Good. Let's not be held up
by procedure

We all know why we are here.
Some non-member is screwing up

our affairs. Daily raids by
the police for the child murderer

interfere with our business.
We can't put up

with this pressure any longer
in every hotel, cafe or pad

This state of affairs must not
be allowed to continue
