Mata Hari

Look. ls any woman worth that?
Surely, you regret havving betrayed
your country.

-You can still havve a chance--
-You're wasting time.

Come on, out with it.
Who is she? What is her name?
Tell us, you fool!
Mata Hari.
That's her name, isn't it?
-Let me alone.
-Oh, shoot him.

She bewitches them.
Why not? She bewitched all Paris.
She's France's greatest enemy.
The woman has become
a mania with you, Dubois.

After all, you're the only one in Paris
that believves she's a spy.

lt's vvery dangerous to accuse a woman
who's so powerfully protected...

-...without proof.
-l'll get that proof.

And one cold morning, you'll see your fine
Mata Hari tied to one of those posts.

-Dine with me tonight?
-Thanks, no.

-Tonight l'm to see your Mata Hari dance.

A special soiree at LeMarchand's.
-How dare you.
-lt's to be smart and vvery privvate.

After all, there is a war going on.
Oh, well, some dance and some die.
And some will do both.
