Platinum Blonde

Ain't there a "bless you"
in the crowd?

- You're the Tribune man?
- Yeah. Hello, how are you?

Fine. Have a seat.
Thanks, I will.
This way.
Oh, boy.
- Fine newspaper, The Tribune.
- Well, I should say.

- I knew your managing editor well.
- Is that so?

Yale. '21, I believe.
We were classmates.
She got a cold?
I got him his job on the paper.
I'm a stockholder, you know.

Is that so?
- One Tribune man to another.
- Yeah.

Right now I'm acting in the capacity
of Mrs. Schuyler's attorney.

That's all right with me.
I won't hold it against you.

- But I'm over here to find out about...
- I know. I know.

But there's no truth
in the story whatsoever.

Oh, yeah?
However, I've taken the trouble
to prepare a little statement.

Here it is. Here.
So you see how silly that rumor is.
Why, sure. It's all a lot of hooey.
That's what I wanted to say,
but I couldn't think of it.

- Thank you very much.
- All right, all right, don't mention it.

Give my regards
to your managing editor.

I certainly will.
Well, so long, folks.
Bless you.
- Bless you.
- Thanks.

- So long.
- Smythe, bring in the other reporter.
