Blonde Venus

Hot voodoo, dance of sin
Hot voodoo, worse than gin

I'd follow a caveman
Right into his cave
That beat gives me a wicked sensation
My conscience wants to take a vacation
Got voodoo, head to toes
Hot voodoo, burn my clothes

I want to start dancing
Just wearing a smile

Hot voodoo, I'm aflame
I'm really not to blame

That African tempo is meaner than mean
Hot voodoo makes me brave
I want to misbehave

I'm beginning to feel like an African queen
Those drums bring out
The devil inside me

I need some great big angel to guide me
Hot voodoo gets me wild
Oh, fireman, save this child

I'm going to blazes
I want to be bad
- Not bad, eh, Henry?
- I should say not.

- Where'd you dig her up, O'Connor?
- How do you like her, boys?

- Pretty good.
- Say, O'Connor, I'd like to meet her.

- You would?
- You can fix it up, can't you?

I don't know whether I can or not.
Why don't you go backstage
and find out for yourself?

If you don't think he will, you're crazy.
- Mind if I go along, too, Charlie?
- I knew you'd horn in.

- You don't mind if I come along?
- What if I did?

Be back in a minute, Taxi.
