
I guess you been listening to every word he said.
That's it. That's it, go ahead and laugh.
It's funny ain't it.

Women are funny, ain't they.
They're all tramps, ain't they. Yeah.
Except when you can get money from them.

Well, I'll be...
Say, who do you think
you are, shooting off your hat.

Hey, this is Phroso...
Phroso you're talking to!

Not any of those lugs you been
chasing around with.

Now you listen to me..
Oh, I didn't mean you.
I had to take it out on somebody.

Yeah, you dames is all alike.
You sharp shoot your cheeks,
and how you squeal when
you get what's coming to you.

Aw, easy. Take it easy. Cut it!
It's my own fault.
What gets me so cockeyed sore at myself
is that I fell for that big bunch of beef.

So you finally got wise to yourself, did you?
Funny thing about you women...
...most of you don't get wise soon enough.
You wait until you're so old nobody wants you.

Nobody does most of the time.
Yeah, you ought to be tickled to
death you're washed up with him.

You're not so hard to look at.
Give yourself a couple.

You'll make the grade.
Your break is coming.

Coming! Gone, you mean.
Oh, now your gonna sit there
feeling sorry for yourself.

Oh, no I ain't.
Don't you ever accuse me of that!
All right! All right!..
But one thing.
Don't go around filling your hide with
a lot of booze, celebrating, 'cause fun what's
got that way never done no one no good.

Get me?
