Grand Hotel

I'll take a vacation,
six weeks, eight weeks. I don't know.

We'll be happy and lazy.
And then we'll go to South America.
It will be divine.

- Be careful going to your room.
- I'll be on the train with the money.

Don't do anything foolish.
- I'm alarmed about you.
- Don't worry. I'll be on the train.

Hurry, Suzette.
A bright dress. It's a sunny morning.

Meierheim is cancelling
the Vienna engagement.

Meierheim is mad.
You are mad. We're all mad.

Suzette, come.
Gru, you're positively radiant.
Pimenov, I have an idea, a ballet.
It must have mad music...
But I’ll speak with you later.

You go to the theater.
I want a full rehearsal,
ballet, full orchestra...

- Come, Suzette.
- But, Madame...

Will you get me
Baron von Geigern, please?

Yes. Baron von Geigern.
