Dinner at Eight

The last two or three or....
Oliver, you wouldn't want to
buy it back yourself, would you?

Yes, l would, Carlotta.
But l'd find it rather difficult just now.
Why, Oliver...
l always thought of you
having all the money in the world.

l thought so, too, for a time.
When l think of Oliver Jordan lll....
l dropped that years ago.
Dear Oliver, you were sweet.
So serious. So respectful.
l was very fond of you, Oliver.
l was very much in love with you, Carlotta.
You were the most entrancing creature
in the world, and l was at your feet.

So was all New York.
lf you went to a restaurant, it was made.
lf you wore a certain hat,
it became the rage.

l was rather gorgeous, wasn't l?
Remember? They named
everything after me.

Cigars, race horses...
perfumes, battleships.
They were a little previous on that.
But one thing l shall always remember.
The day you were 21 ...
you asked me to marry you, Oliver.
What a young fool
you must have thought me.

No, l thought it very sweet of you.
You see, l was 30-ish.
l remember l went home and wept a little.
They didn't often ask me to marry them.
You broke my heart when you refused me,

So l buried my grief
in the shipping business.

Dear Oliver.
Mr. Packard is here now.
Tell him to come right in.
Do you mind, Carlotta?
