Lady for a Day

A hundred thousand?
What do you boys expect us
to do, rob the Mint?

Okay, if l can line up the Dude,
we'll step around and see ya.

It's a pushover, Dude.
Babcock must need the money.

Take it from me, you're lucky.
Which of these vests do you like,
the white or the striped?

Let's get going. We can knock
this deal over in an hour.

I can't find her, Boss.
Can't find her no place.

- Can't find who?
- Apple Annie.

I looked high and low for her.
She ain't nowheres around.

That's why you were stalling.
What do you mean,
"couldn't find her"?

I get a lot of help
from you guys.

I feed you pretty good.
You got dough in your pockets.

Listen. I know what l'm doing
and l don't go into this deal

till l get an apple from Annie.
Listen 'stupe',
all you had to do

was ask any panhandler
on Broadway.

That's just it, there ain't no
panhandlers on Broadway.

Listen, l hope my mother croaks
if this ain't the truth.

I walked over town for hours.
Ain't a beggar on the streets.

I suppose they're all
in Europe on vacation.

Search me. It's got me scared.
Broadway looks like a morgue.

Blind man here.
His name is Shorty.

- Shorty? A blind man?
- Yes.

Bring him in.
None of them around, eh?
Get that dizzy dame off your mind.
I don't think about her
in the daytime.

Let 'em in.
- Hello, Dude.
- Hello.

- What do you mugs want?
- It's about Annie.

What about Annie? I've been
looking all over town for her.

She's in an awful jam.
- Been drinkin' again, huh?
- No, it ain't that.

Notterhead found her
walking by the water.

Yeah, she was in a daze.
She was walking down the
waterfront, talking to herself.

Good thing Notterhead
ran into her.

What is all this?
- She's in an awful jam.
- I heard that.

For years she's been swiping
stationary from the Marberry.

And writing her daughter
she's in high society.
