The Thin Man

It's like old times. Remember the fun
we had when we were flat broke?

- Don't I?
- Those were the good old days.

Don't kid yourself.
These are the good old days.

I think your wife is great!
Thanks, I wanted you to see her,
and I wanted her to see you.

Want to buy a piece of this pug?
I'll sell you 25% of him for $5,000.

- Is he good?
- He's knocking them cold lately.

Ain't afraid of nobody.
Put that down or I'll slug you.

I'll take a large piece of him.
- Having a good time?
- Swell.

Here's that man again.
Ammunition? Very welcome.
Highballs and cocktails.
The long and short of it.

That's a pun.
And punsters should be punished.

For tomorrow may bring sorrow
So tonight let us be gay
More cocktails?
Thank you very much.
I certainly think your husband's great.
I'm glad somebody does.
- Have a cocktail?
- Thanks. Nick Charles here?

- You're his wife?
- Yes. Hey, Nick.

Nice guy. Sent me up the river one time.
Hi, Nick.

Hello, Face.
- Long time, no see.
- Long time.

- I needed the rest.
- Was he a good detective?

I wouldn't know.
The time he caught me was an accident.

- I led with my right.
- Come on, shed the chapeau.

Divest yourself of raiment
and join the Yuletide revelers.

Hey, revelers.
I want you to know Face Peppler.
All you got to do is find out who they are.

Don't bother to announce anyone.
Just send them all up.

It's all right. They're all his friends.
Here's the latest on the Julia Wolf murder.
Police found out the secretary
was once a gangster's girl.

They're now looking for him.
Wynant, her employer, is still missing.
Can't you fellows ever think
of anything but business?

Good case for you, Nick.
Haven't you heard the news?
I'm a gentleman now.

Nick, reporters.
- Salutations, boys.
- You're just the man I want to see.

- I'm from the American...
- I'm from The Mirror.
