The Thin Man

Come here.
You're a fine watchdog.
He's got more sense than you have.
I'm glad you're not on this case.
On it? I'm in it, they think I did it.
Well, didn't you?
I hope you're satisfied.
Where am I?
You're not in a shooting gallery!
But, sugar, this is the nicest
Christmas present I've ever had.

You act as though it were the only
Christmas present you ever had.

Where did you get that wristwatch?
It's a Christmas present.
- Yeah? Who gave it to you?
- You did.

You must admit I've got pretty good taste,
haven't I?

Have you finished with this?
Yes, and I know as much
about the murder as they do.

I'm a hero.
I was shot twice in the Tribune.

I read where you were shot
five times in the tabloids.

It's not true. He didn't come
anywhere near my tabloids.
