Alice Adams

OId Mr. Lamb has been wonderfuI to me...
...hoIding my job open
whiIe I've been sick aII this time.

Don't you think that Iooks
as if they've thought something of me?

Of course.
It's just that it's kind of funny when
you think you've done pretty fairIy weII...

...and the man at the head of it
seems to think so, too.

It's kind of funny to have your mother...
...think you're mostIy a faiIure.
You're not a faiIure, Daddy.
You're not.
I'm going to taIk to Mother.
You better not.
-I don't want to start anything.
-Don't worry.

Don't you worry.
Don't you think you and I
are both a IittIe seIfish...

...trying to make poor oId dad
go out and get something better?

After aII, we've got enough, reaIIy.
I suppose you've got a Iimousine
to take you to the dance tonight.

I suppose you onIy got to caII the fIorist
and order up some orchids.

Not orchids.
VioIets, the first of the season,
picked fresh today.

I suppose you picked yourseIf
a new dress, too.

I don't think anyone'II recognize
that organdy with the new fIounces on it.

What's MiIdred PaImer
going to wear tonight?

I don't know.
Her maize Georgette, probabIy.
The one she brought back from Paris.
There's your brother.
Are you sure he'II take me
to the party tonight?

Why, of course. Why shouIdn't he?
I don't know. He may have one
of his mysterious dates downtown.

Don't worry, AIice.
You just Ieave him to me.
