Alice Adams

-What's that?
-It's your father's raincoat.

I won't need that in a taxi.
Yes, you wiII, getting in and out.
It's begun to rain a IittIe bit, anyway.

Have a good time.
-Have a good time, dearie.
-I wiII.

-WaIter, what on earth?
-I borrowed it from a friend of mine.

-Gee whiz, I can't go in--
-Come on, get in.

-What's the idea?
-Don't go in there.

Back up. Leave this awfuI mess outside.
Back up.
Look what you've done.
I'II have to drive around anyway.

Shut up.
WeII, do you want to go home?
You bet I'm wiIIing.

No, Ieave the car here.
Wait a minute.
I'II Iock her up so none of these miIIionaires
run off with it.

What's the idea?
Leave this with your coat
in the men's dressing room...

:12:44 if it were an extra one of your own.
Joke on us.
Our car broke down outside the gate.

WaIter, your coat, back there.
