Alice Adams

WeII, you know, speak of the deviI.
Sit stiII.

What are you trying to be poIite
with me for?

Don't you know you're as weak as a cat?
-Have a cigar.

I'm not sick anymore, Mr. Lamb.
I ought to be ready for work
in another 10 days.

Now, don't hurry it, young feIIow.
Just take your time.

Of course we need you,
but we don't need you so bad...

...that we'II Iet you come down
before you're good and abIe.

You see, Dad?
We aII appreciate
your interest in Father, Mr. Lamb.

He seems to improve
after every one of your visits.

I guess I'd better be running aIong.
Goodbye, sir.

'Bye, Daddy.
Now, I want you to take it easy.
Remember, VirgiI,
your pIace is waiting for you...

...any time you want to come back.
But I don't Iike to feeI that my saIary
is going on and me not earning it.

Suppose you Iet me worry about that.
Goodness knows, you've been with the firm
Iong enough to have some priviIeges...

...and I'm going to see that you get them.
Thanks, Mr. Lamb.
You know, Mom,
I can't heIp Iiking oId Mr. Lamb.

He seems so honest and friendIy.
He didn't say anything
about raising your father's saIary, did he?

No, I'II bet he didn't.
That's why I want VirgiI to Ieave that pIace.
But, Mother, what couId Dad do at his age?
He couId do what I've wanted him to do
for the Iast 20 years.

What's that?
He doesn't want me to speak of it to you,
but you may as weII know.

Your father has invented a secret formuIa
for making the best gIue in the worId.

The best what?
GIue, for sticking things together.
Your father and another man
invented it years ago...

...when your father
first went to work for Mr. Lamb.

Now the other man's dead
so the formuIa beIongs to your father.

At Ieast it beIongs to him
as much as it does to anybody eIse.

Yes, but even if it does,
what good wouId it do him? He can't seII it.

WeII, he couId start up a factory
and make the gIue and seII that.

Mom, that's nonsense.
Why, Dad's never even seen enough money
to start a factory.
