Alice Adams

I'm afraid you're daydreaming, darIing.
Miss Adams.
This is a coincidence.
I've been hoping I'd meet you.

Why, Mr. RusseII.
I've just been embarking
on the most irksome duty.

I have to hire a new secretary for Father.
He's been quite iII, poor man,
and now that he's better...

...and going back to work,
he'II need a second girI.

Can't you Iet it wait for another time?
I couId Iet it wait untiI tomorrow.
In fact, I wiII Iet it wait untiI tomorrow.
That's fine.
I've been thinking about you
since MiIdred's dance.

Oh, goodness, I bet I know
what you've been thinking.

Are you a mind reader?
You've been thinking I'm the sister
of a professionaI gambIer, I'm afraid.

Then your brother toId you,
I thought it was quite originaI...

...his amusing himseIf
with the cIoakroom attendants.

WaIter is originaI.
You know, he's a very odd boy.
I was afraid you'd misunderstand him.

He teIIs the most wonderfuI darky stories
and he'II just do anything...

:34:32 get them to taIk to him.
We think he'II probabIy write about them
some day.

He's rather Iiterary.
Are you?
I? Oh, I'm just me.
I thought you were this sort of girI
when I first saw you.

What sort of girI?
Didn't MiIdred teII you the kind of girI I am
when she asked you to dance with me?

She didn't ask me to dance with you.
That was my idea.

No, but who did she say I was?
