Alice Adams

-I'm her brother, ain't I?

I Iike the oId girI aII right.
In fact, sometimes I feeI sorry for her.
What's this aII about?
Because you see me downtown
with a man I've onIy seen once.

Yeah, but I've seen you start before.
WeII, good Iuck. You'II need it.
WaIter must be going
with some reaIIy dreadfuI peopIe.

AII this taIk about racetracks
and everything.

I'm sure WaIter's a good boy.
Is it true that this young man, RusseII,
is engaged to MiIdred PaImer?

I don't know.
He didn't seem Iike an engaged man to me.

Anyhow, not so terribIy.
Hadn't you better come to bed?
I didn't know it was so Iate.
I got so interested in this book.
You mustn't mind, dear.
Mustn't mind?
What are you taIking about, Mother?
