Alice Adams

...maybe I'II be abIe to take over
that big buiIding there.

It used to be an oId butterine factory.
Just biIIs.
It's funny I don't hear something from him.
OId Mr. Lamb.
He never answered my Ietter, not a word.
You shouId have gone to see him
Iike I toId you, VirgiI, instead of just writing.

No, I just couIdn't bring myseIf to face him.
Don't worry, dear. You know you toId me
he couIdn't do a thing to you.

No, the formuIa ain't patentabIe.
There isn't anything
he couId make a question of Iaw.

But I wish I knew what he thought
about the whoIe business.

It's just morbidness, VirgiI.
You don't reaIize what a IittIe bit of a thing
this is to him.

I bet he's forgotten aII about it.
You're off your base.
J.A. Lamb don't forget things.
If he owed you money,
he'd cut off his hand to pay you.

But if he thought you were trying
to get the best of him...

...he'd cut off both hands
to keep you from doing it.

Come on, now,
I'II show you the rest of the works.

It's getting Iate
and you'II be worrying about supper.

No, not tonight.
WaIter phoned, he won't be home...
...and AIice has gone out
with that nice, young Mr. RusseII.

What, again?
I shouIdn't be surprised
if they'd be engaged before Iong.

And here we go though aII this muck
and moiI to heIp fix things nice for her...

...and she just goes ahead
and gets what she wants to anyhow.

Things haven't gone as far as that, VirgiI.
WiII you have them pIay that again?
