Bride of Frankenstein

It may be part of the divine plan.
Henry, don't say those things.
Don't think them.

It's blasphemous and wicked.
We are not meant to know those things.

The monster is man-made, not God-made,
but he goes through a Christ-like orbit of
misunderstanding and ultimate betrayal.

The original script had the monster
mistaking the figure on a crucifix

for a suffering, persecuted creature
like himself.

The censors would have none of that,
so now the Christus is a background prop

and he instead - more blasphemously -
topples the statue of a bishop,

as though he's assaulting
organised religion.

That's a visual cue
that was not in the script

and therefore didn't receive objection.
When Henry and Dr Pretorius
speak about the possible mad plan

to create new female life,
the blasphemous Dr Pretorius
invokes religious iconography

and says "Follow the lead of nature,
or of God..."

It was scripted
"...if you like your fairytales."

Well, this is not how one
speaks about organised religion.

It's changed to "Bible stories",
which is a statement of fact.

Follow the lead of nature,
or of God, if you like your Bible stories.
The way Ernest Thesiger reads the line,
"Bible stories" contains
such invective and disdain

that it's more offensive
than if he'd said "fairytales".

This is how one got around the letter
of the censor and the spirit of intent.

Bride initially had a fairly lengthy subplot
involving the Dwight Frye character.

It was probably a misbegotten script idea
that was meant to illustrate
the monster as victim.

Carl had this uncle and aunt in the film,
who he killed,
and led everybody to believe
that the monster had killed them.

It was probably about a ten-minute
sequence followed by a morgue inquest.

It had no bearing on the narrative line
and probably stopped the film
dead in its tracks at the midpoint.
