Bride of Frankenstein

and that the godless reprobate
represents an alternative

to the vulgar Philistines of Goldstadt.
As the movie unfolds, I will suggest
that the story's thesis is larger.

His entrance here is yet another one
of Whale's bravura stage entrances.

Several pages of dialogue,
eliminated here,

made it clear that this
is an old acquaintance.

Pretorius had been
Henry's teacher at school,

passing on his forbidden
Promethean knowledge.

Henry's indiscretions in monstermaking
had been traced to the doctor,

causing Pretorius to be sacked.
Pretorius also made it clear that
the monster is most likely immortal.

The invisible man merely dreamt
of walking into the holy of holies.

Dr Pretorius has done it,
and stolen God's fire.

Like all worthy devils,
Pretorius is magnetic.

He fascinates us with wit,
intelligence, self-assurance.
