Captain Blood

Why did you do it, Andy?
I told you I'd try to get you out.
I couldn't stand it any longer.
I couldn't stand it.

I was going mad.
What do you think a man is made of?

How much do you think he can stand?
''Watchman, what of the night?''
lsaiah 21 :1 1 .

Don't make the purchase
until well on in the evening.

That way there'll be less risk...
of anyone wondering where you came by
the money.

Lumme, Captain.
lt ain't too late for us to change our minds.

Stow the provisions away on board
as soon as it's dark.

Then all you've got to do is sit down here
and wait for us.

ls that all?
Wait all alone in the blooming dark...

waiting for someone to come along
and nab me.

Nuttall, my lad,
there's just one other little thing.

Could you find me a good piece of timber
about so thick and so long?

Yes, I think so.
Then do so and lash it to your spine.
lt needs stiffening.

Courage. I'll join you at midnight.
How long does it take to feed
this pack of dogs?

lt's a wonder we make a profit at all.
You don't drive them hard enough.

Get them out of here!
I've just been with Nuttall at the boat.
lt's tonight.
