Captain Blood

Help me.
-Who did this?

Bishop. Swine!
I didn't tell him. I didn't.
-ls our boat still standing in at the bay?
-Yes, Jeremy.

I wondered if I was still out of my mind.
I've been seeing boats sailing in and out...
in and out, but ours will never sail.
Not now.
Or if it does, you'll sail without me.
And get lost at sea without our navigator?

-Nonsense, lad.
-We are not going this time.

lt's hopeless for all of us.
We'll manage somehow.
-What are you doing here?

Why, the duties of my office.
I said he was to have
no food nor drink till I ordered.

Sure now, I never heard you.
How could you? You weren't here.
Then how do you expect me
to know what orders you've given?

ln the name of humanity!
lf you know the word.

-You dare take that tone with me?
-Yes, I do!

I've been too soft with you...
but that shall be mended.
Kent, tie him up!
Had it easy here up to now. Get up there.
Now I'll take this rod to you...
