The 39 Steps

That's the professor's car.
Hannay must be inside
spilling the beans.

- Stop him!
- My God!

How do you do?
We're all waiting for you.

Pamela's gone to meet you
at the station. This way.

Leader and standard-bearer himself.
l welcome this opportunity
of discussing with you..

another question vital
to the import of our country..

at this critical
and momentous hour.

But first of all,
as a preliminary to this..

- l shall occupy your time--
- You've occupied too much time already!

We've had enough of you!
Ladies and gentlemen, l'm now going to
call upon the speaker of the evening.

- Speak up!
- There's no need to say who he is..

or to speak of his brilliant record
as a soldier and a statesman.

He's a son of Scotland who has crossed
the border and conquered England.

He is now one
of the foremost figures..

in the diplomatic political world
in the great city of London.

l'm, therefore, going to ask him
to tell you something--

- lt's about time too.
- How important it is..
