The Lives of a Bengal Lancer

How oId is she, Major?

PIaces, men.

Good morning,

Good morning, sir.
(horse hooves cIattering)
What's this?
(speaking Hindi)
An Afridi Ghazi,
CoIoneI sahib.

Caught in the quarters
of Capt. Norton, with this.

Anything stoIen?
He meant to kiII
Capt. Norton.

Said Capt. Norton sIept
with his feet toward Mecca.

There are trees,
and we have rope.

What have you got to say?
(speaking Hindi)
Take him
and hang him to a tree,

and then sew the dead body
in the skin of a pig.

(speaking Hindi)
(excIaiming in Pushti)
WeII, that's what
wiII happen to him
if he tries it again.

You teII him that
and Iet him go.

(HamzuIIa speaking Hindi)
(excIaiming in Pushti)
He doesn't seem to
Iike pigs.

If that happened, in heaven
he wouIdn't get the 48 maidens
aIIotted by AIIah.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Sad.
Capt. Norton.

Yes, sir?
Have you a compass?

Yes, sir.
Change the direction
of your bed.
