The Lives of a Bengal Lancer

Yes, sir.
Yes, that's aII.
Mr. McGregor.
The two repIacements?
Mr. Forsythe,
from the BIues,

Mr. Stone,
from Sandhurst.

From the BIues, eh?
Quite so.

WeII, that's
a fashionabIe regiment.

I am afraid, Mr. Forsythe,
you'II find us different.

We have a reputation
as soIdiers,

and we're proud of it.
Mr. Stone.
You've come to us
direct from Sandhurst,

without previous service.
Is that correct?
Yes, sir.
Yes. WeII, you've got
a great deaI to Iearn.

And I trust that you,

and you, too,
Mr. Forsythe,

wiII measure up
to our requirements.

That's aII, gentIemen.
(aII chattering)
Crusty oId...
I'm sorry.
Is it over?
Is that aII?

That's aII.
Lt. Stone.
Yes, sir?
The CoIoneI forgot something.
I want you
to take this to him.

Yes, sir.
What's so funny?
You are.

So the rough soIdier
has a heart of goId.
