The Lives of a Bengal Lancer

(men Iaughing)
How are your pigs
this year, Highness?

My Iand is overrun
with uncIean beasts.

Oh, that means
good sport tomorrow.

You'II join us,
Khan sahib, of course?

Oh, I'm sorry,
I'm Ieaving in the morning.

But if you wish reaI sport,
you must come to my country.

An invitation?
My Iand and aII it contains
is at your disposaI.

Yes, yes, sahib.
Why, he gives his word,
the word of a prince.

I swear it
upon the Koran.

An oath?
Oh, I'II put it
to the test.

He has you.

What do you
demand of him, sahib?

Postpone your departure.
Join us at
pig-sticking tomorrow.

I--I--I can't.
My affairs demand that--

You must.
You give your oath
upon the Koran.

I am honored, Bahadur.
I don't beIieve
in expIaining orders,

but this time
it's necessary.

Mohammed Khan's men
are in these hiIIs,

to seize that
ammunition convoy

before it reaches
our friend, the Emir.

There's no need to teII you
how serious one iII-advised

or careIess move
by any of you

might be in this situation.
Oh, of course, we're here
for sport and maneuvers.

And as some of you who are
new to India may not know,

a wounded pig
is a dangerous animaI,

so a word of advice
to, uh, the younger officers.

If you wound a pig
and he takes to cover,
