
I'll tell you, if I lived in this town,
I'd make it my business.

What are you eggs?
Soft-boiled, that you don't
stick up for a kidnapped girl?

- Who are you?
- Just passing through.

Been up to Capital City, strike-breaking
for the streetcar company.

Maybe you need some help here too.
Not from a mug like you.
Lay off, Garrett. The sheriff made
a monkey out of you too.

He's right. We ought to be ashamed
letting a stranger show us the ropes.

Come on, fellas, let's go get him.
Come on!

Come on, let's have some fun!
Where's that special deputy list
I made out?

Did I tell you to call up the gov...?
Wait a minute.

Here, Myrtle, first call up
the men I've checked on that list.

Get out the tear gas bombs.
- Two apiece.
- Right.
