Le Crime de Monsieur Lange

No, thank you. I don't smoke
And I don't want anything...
I want to go away from here
You can trust me
Of course, I wanted...

I understand you!
I want to go home,
I tell you!

Got a cigarette?
If you want

Oh Camels! I'll take two
Keep the packet. I don't like them
Well, are you all alone?
Come along with me dearie
I live quite near

Come and have some fun
Not bad, eh?
The cover's very good

But as for the rest, what's all
this about taking medicine?

What medicine?
I forget...
Look... On page 3...

and then... page 9
There we are!
Suddenly, Arizona Jim
put his revolver on the table...

"and taking a little red box
from his pocket...

"he opened it and said: These are
the pills to give me courage!"

How disgusting!
As you say

But I never wrote that!
That's typical of Batala
Well don't just stand there...
Do something!

Go and find him!
