Le Crime de Monsieur Lange

Ah yes, I forgot to thank you,
I'm sorry

You're not taking me?
I can't. I've not the money
for a family ticket

Come and see me off
Well, what is it?

I see, you're in love, eh?
Don't make a face like that
There's no need to be so sad
about it. I'm in love too

Hello, Mrs Cardes
Could I have a word with you?

Pretty little thing!
Extraordinary eyes
Yes, but not for you

Go round there
Is it true what they say?
That the boss and Mr Batala once...
So they say, but he's not bad
I can't stand him myself

Then say no more...
I just thought...

an old friend
in a moment of difficulty...

An old friend who's interested
in my savings!

But you're saying goodbye
to a wreck

Yes, but one still capable
of floating

Very nice cloth
These'll keep
your head above water!

I'm not worried about you. You came
for a first-class ticket, eh?

You don't want me to travel third!
I'm keeping my money...
to buy dresses to look pretty
Because you see, Mr Batala...
I'm in love
No kidding?

So in love!
You always make me laugh
