Mr. Deeds Goes to Town

That depends on what they see.
- And what do you see?
- Me?

Oh, l see a small Ohio farm boy...
becoming a great soldier.
I see thousands of marching men.
I see General Lee,
with a broken heart, surrendering.

I can see the beginning of a new nation,
like Abraham Lincoln said.

And l can see that Ohio boy
being inaugurated as president.

Things like that can only happen
in a country like America.

Excuse me.
Sorry, Mr. Hopper.
Mr. Cedar won't answer his phone.

- What's going on in the boss's office?
- Search me.

The three C's and little "B"
have been in there over an hour.

l don't want to be critical, but--
Yes, l know. A week's gone by and
we haven't got power of attorney yet.

- Yes, but you said--
- l can't strangle him, can I?

It's ridiculous for us
to have to worry about a boy like that.

Look at these articles.
"Cinderella Man."

- He's carrying on like a idiot.
- Exactly what l was saying--

Who cares?
- Yeah?
- Mr. and Mrs. Semple are still waiting.

Let 'em wait.
They've been in
every day this week.

- Who are they?
- Relatives of old man Semple.

They keep insisting
they should have some nuisance value.

- Nuisance value?
- If not for Deeds, they'd be rich.

Nuisance value.
Maybe they have.
Mr. and Mrs. Semple, please.
How do you do?
I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting.

What was my secretary thinking,
keeping you waiting this long?

Will you have a cigar,
Mr. Semple?

- There's Times Square.
- You can almost spit on it, can't you?

Why don't you try?
It's breezy up here.
