A Day at the Races

Hey, look, look!
Sun-Up, he's 10-to-1.

Oh, boy, are we gonna clean up,

- We haven't any money to bet.
- Don't worry. I get us some money.

I find a sucker someplace.
Scram. I think I see a sucker coming now.
Get out of here.

Get your ice cream.
Two dollars on Sun-Up.
Hey. Hey, boss. Boss, come here.
You want something hot?

Not now. I just had lunch.
Anyhow, I don't like hot ice cream.

Hey, come here. I no sell ice cream.
That's fake to fool the police.

I sell tips on the horses. I got something
today can't lose. One dollar.

No. Some other time. I'm sorry.
I'm betting on Sun-Up. Some other time.

- Two dollars on Sun-Up.
- Hey, boss. Hey. Come here.

Sun-Up is the worst horse
on the track.

- I notice he wins all the time.
- Just because he comes in first.

I don't want him any better than first.
Two dollars on Sun-Up.

Hey, boss, come here.
Come here.

Suppose you bet on Sun-Up. What you
gonna get for your money? 2-to-1.

One dollar, and you'll remember me
all your life.

That's the most nauseating proposition
I ever had.

Come on. Come on.
You look like a sport. Come on, boss.

Don't be a crunger for one buck.
Thank you.
- What's this?
- That's the horse.

How'd he get in here?
Get your ice cream.
Tootsie-fruitsie ice cream.

I had that same horse
when I had my eyes examined.

Hey, ice cream.
What about this optical illusion
you slipped me? I don't understand it.

That's not the real name of the horse.
That's the name in code.

Look in your codebook.
- What do you mean, "code"?
- Look in the codebook.

- That will tell you what horse you got.
- I haven't got any codebook.

- You don't got one?
- You know where I can get one?

Well, just by accident, I think
I've got one right here. Here you are.
