La Grande illusion

Good news?
It's from my aunt in Bordeaux.
People are swarming into town.

What do you think?
They'd better watch out,
the Germans are claiming
a major breakthrough.

There's been no bell-ringing
so it can't mean much.

Up for some gardening?
I hate the way
German bulletins exaggerate.

And our papers don't?
Remember the "Russian steamroller"?
Isn't it time we got down
to serious business?

Sure, but not all at once.
And that famous General "Winter,"
so lethal to the nasty Krauts
but so tonic to the Allies...
And do you remember "Turpinite"?
A flask the size of... a radish
that could blow up a whole battalion.

They even tried it on a flock of sheep.
