Lost Horizon

Good morning, Lovey.
-I beg your pardon?
-I say, "Good morning, Lovey."

Good morning. Look here, young man.
I didn't care for "sister" last night,
and I don't like "Lovey" this morning.

-My name is Lovett, Alexander P.
-I see.

-It's a good morning, anyway.
-I'm never conversational before coffee.

Wait a minute.
ls it a good morning?
We're supposed to be travelling east,
aren't we?

-Of course.
-lt looks to me as if we're travelling west.

-That's ridiculous.
-ls it?

lt certainly is.
Any child knows how to tell direction.
I don't care where the child is,
in the air, on the earth, or in the sea.

If you face the rising sun, your right hand
is north, your left hand is south.

I get it twisted because I'm left-handed.

Just reverse it. Your left hand is....
What difference does it make?
The north is the north.

All I know is the sun rises in the east,
and we're going away from it.

Now you're irritating and absurd.
Of course. Boy!
We're travelling in the wrong direction.

-We're going in the wrong direction.
-Couldn't you make less noise?

We're going west,
and Shanghai is way east of here.

Quiet! Fenner's the best pilot in China.
-It's Fenner.
-He may have lost his way.

That's what I told him.
You can't expect him to sail in the dark.

Calm yourself. I'll speak to Fenner.
Fenner! I say--
