Lost Horizon

ls there something I can do for you?
-What do you want?
-I've ordered you some warm broth.

-I thought perhaps--
-Get out of here!

If any of you men think
you can come busting in here....

Please calm yourself.
You'll soon be well if you do.

I don't need any advice from you.
Get me a doctor.

-I'm sorry, we have no doctors here.
-No doctors.

Well, that's just fine.
-Please let me help you.
-You can help me jump over that cliff.

I've been looking at the bottom
of that mountain...

...but I haven't got the nerve to jump.
You shouldn't be looking
at the bottom of the mountain.

Why don't you try looking up
at the top sometime?

Don't preach that cheap, second-hand stuff
to me.

Go on, beat it!
Beat it!
Peace be with you, my child.
Good evening, my friends.
Please sit down.
-I hope you found everything satisfactory.

-You shouldn't have waited for me.
-Where's the girl? Miss Stone.

She's remaining in her room.
She isn't feeling very well.

Please go on without me. I eat very little.
There's certainly nothing wrong
with that meal.

Thank you.
-And the wine is excellent.
-I'm glad you like it.
