Lost Horizon

-No kidding?

Then I'm your man. Come on, Toots.
-Hello, George. Cigarette?

I suppose all this comes
under the heading of adventure.

There's been plenty of it
in the last few days.

It's far from over from what I can see.
This place gives me the creeps.
Hidden away like this,
no contact with civilisation.

You don't seem concerned at all.
I'm feeling far too peaceful
to be concerned about anything.

I think I'm going to like it here.
You talk as if you intend on staying.
Something happened to me
when we arrived here that....

Did you ever go to a strange place
and feel sure you'd been there before?

-What are you talking about?
-I don't know.

You're a strange bird.
No wonder Gainsford calls you:
"The man who always wanted to see
the other side of the hill."

Do you ever want to see
what's on the other side?

What else could there be,
except another hill?

In any event, I'm not curious.
lt seems to me we should be concerned
about getting home.

-I'd give anything to be in London now.
-Of course you would.

If ever we get out of this place, you should
take that job with Helen's father.

What do you mean, "lf"?
-Did I say, "lf"?
-That's what you said.

Well, I mean--
You talk as though we're going
to have trouble getting out of here.

I've been putting things together.
Do you notice the resemblance
between those natives and the pilot?
