Stella Dallas

Once I saw her put soap and water
right on it.

All I can say is there are
different kinds of skin.

Besides, with her money,
she don't have to worry about her looks.

Say, are those real pearls
she's got slung around her neck?

- Look what you're doing!
- What?

You're getting cold cream
all over her picture.

- I didn't mean it.
- Give it to me.

I'll do it.
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the--
Hi, lollipops.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.

Here is the mistletoe.
Now, where's the kiss?

Run along. Go inside.
What do you mean by showing up
here in this condition? Get out.

I've got something for you.
I've been robbed.
Why, if I thought
that anybody would take--

Here you are, my dear.
A very Merry Christmas.
No, thanks. I can't take it.
I wouldn't know what to do with it.
