The Good Earth

And what's on
the top of the water to you,

a man who Iives to see his grandson
Young men and fooIs are aIike,
untiI the gods teach them wisdom
And asking your
few friends for a feast tonight

A very smaII feast,
if you'II come my son wiII be honoured
You were boys together. Shing!
Ha ha ha ha!
This is the day!
Chickens! Good buy! Eat!
Good your bIood and pure your Iiver!
Peaches, 6 for 2 coppers!
Now then what?
I'm Wong Loong, the farmer
WeII, and Wong Loong the farmer what?
I'm coming...I'm coming...
Are you seeing that? I see you a fooI!
There's a woman to be...
Ha ha ha! So you're he!
