The Good Earth

Hey, hey! Let him be!
For very siIent says she's a good cook!
An exceIIent cook!
I am an oId man and I have never
tasted such food before!

Oh no it's very poor food!
Very badIy prepared,
the woman can't cook at aII!

My friends,
my poor farm bareIy produces enough

to keep my famiIy aIive
But tonight,
I rejoyce that my brother's son

has been favoured by him
Are you, you, how beautifuI it is,
and how pretty, nephew?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha !
Forgive me!
Poor zon! He faked and shaved
and hope we wiII aII go home!
No no no no!
Your presence deIights him!
Then we'II aII stay tiII cockcrow!
May you have many grandsons!
And she might beg for the first one!
You want my oId bones!
Brother, your joy is mine!
Nephew! Now that
the woman wiII work in the house,

you might heIp
your oId uncIe in the fieIds?

AIas I...
Good night!
Good night!

Good night!
Good night!
