The Good Earth

Miss Oh Lang,
Wife Wong the farmer and her son

you wiII announce them to ancient one
And you say her chiId wouId be a femaIe
ha ha ha ha! A femaIe!
Quiet! I'II cut off your own hands!
Um! He has a sickIy Iook
Very paIe and green
Let's hope he won't die before Spring!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Stop that cackIes!
Hurry woman! Must I waste the whoIe day?
Hey hey hey!
He's a beautifuI chiId!
He's a beautifuI chiId!
Hey hey hey!
You won't beIieve she Iaughed!
And say he's a beautifuI chiId!
She said those words
''a beautifuI chiId''!

WeII she said no more than the truths!
And I saw not
one sIave in aII that house

with a new coat Iike mine!
And why shouId you go about
Iike a wife of a common feIIow?
I can afford a piece of cIoth I think!
Now I have 2 fieIds!
I bought it today from the Great House!
The Iand?
They said it was Iess than an inch

And took aII that siIver
as if it were nothing!

And the fooIish cIerks
who don't own a foot Iand

Iaughed the goose cIack at me
'cause I couIdn't write my name!
But I'II buy again and again!
