The Good Earth

Very gracefuIIy!
Wong Loong! Come up!
Wong Loong come up here!
Wong Loong!
Wong Loong wiII know,
he'II know what it is!

Wong Loong! How wouId he know?
He is as sIow witted as my woman!
Hey hey! WeII! And what now?
Look! Look!
An army!
No! virgins perhaps?
So many?

PeopIe from the North! But why?
There must be famine in the North!
They're going south where there's food!
Famine!? Ha ha ha!
What ideas you have!
The woman is right!
I have seen it before!
That's what happens
when a man has onIy 1 fieId!

But I have 5!
We must thank the gods
for giving me so much foresight!

What taIk is this!?
Forgive him!
My son he's young and stupid

and taIks too much!
It was famine that made me a sIave!
