The Good Earth

SeII my Iand?

But then the money is gone,
and the Iand!

At Ieast we couId
Iive weII through the famine!

What good is this Iand now?
You're young,
you don't know what a famine is Iike!

My father knew years of famine,
but he kept the Iand

I must keep it for my sons!
The earth is good,
if we work it wouId feed us

But how am I to Iive?
How am I to Iive?
Work! As I do!
I'II not rob my sons to feed you!
You you! Must we go hungry
whiIe you have Iand?

This Iand that you won't seII!
I'm not seIIing my Iand
It's my Iife, it's mine!
I'II never seII it,
I'II dig up the earth

first and feed it to my chiIdren
Yes! And you'II bury them in it!
